From the Director's Desk

Welcome to Domohana Brilliant School

As the Director of Domohana Brilliant School, it is my privilege to lead a team of dedicated educators and staff in providing a world-class educational experience for our students. Our mission is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.

At Domohana Brilliant School, we ...

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Prospectus 2024

Domohana Brilliant school is an institution of education and training. It was founded in 2021 by the honorable educationist person Hasibur Rahman Madani in a  locality of Uttar Dinajpur, one of the districts of West Bengal, India.

School timings are determined by the school administration and are often influenced by factors such as local regulations, transportation availability, and the specific needs of the student population.

School uniforms are standardized clothing that students are required to wear in educational institutions. These uniforms typically consist of specific attire, such as shirts, pants or skirts, and sometimes accessories like ties or badges.

The school faculty is an essential pillar in the educational system, comprised of dedicated individuals who play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of students. Comprising of teachers, administrators, and support staff,


CCTV cameras are installed throughout our school to ensure the security and safety of our students.


The school provides hostel accommodations only for boys. The hostel offers the kids a clean, roomy, and healthy ….

Computer Lab

The use of information technology has permeated every aspect of our daily lives. Our school has a computer..


We offer affordable transportation services that are safe and satisfactory for the adjoining area of the school.

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